Two articles published on Medium by David Jensen outline 20 top priorities and 20 top processes for building a global digital ecosystem for the planet. The articles highlight specific organizations and existing initiatives that organizations can participate with to contribute to the planet's digital ecosystem. The need for a digital ecosystem is significant as Jensen points out that...
We are flying across the cosmos on Spaceship Earth with no planetary instrumentation panel to measure the state of our life support system, or a flight plan to collaboratively strategize about how our everyday choices and routines shape where we are going together.
Not having a life support system instrumentation panel for our spaceship earth is dangerous, fortunately likeminded organizations are working together to create a digital ecosystem. Jensen organizes efforts in three tracks; (1) Architecture, (2) Applications, and (3) Governance. The UN is coalescing this effort on a global scale with collaboration around a digital ecosystem for the environment and Sustainable Development Goals under the Governance track. The Delaware Coastal Society intends to contribute to the Architecture and Applications tracks for our contribution. Our hope is a Planet that we understand the life support system better and a future where no one’s health is negatively impacted by their environment.